I love the wide open west. A man can really stretch his eyes here. There is no hiding from God in this bare land, but why would you want to? Even here the fingerprints of man are visible, small scars on a big land. Created to remind us how small we are, by God’s invisible hand. I can’t say for sure if God cares whether I live or die. But out here it doesn’t matter much, because I am free under the wide open blue sky. You can have your cities with all their lustful charms. Sucking you in with their bright city lights, bedazzled as you sit in your room, alone, at night. I’ll take the sweet embrace of these mountain’s arms. Bare for all the world to see, hidden not by any tree. When my days are done and I’m finally free, Place me here where I can see. Written while traveling through the Great Basin Nevada, just north of McGall. 12/14/17