When I see the pain and suffering that has historically gone on in the world, and continues to go on today, I ask myself “When Adam and Eve sinned why didn’t God just squash them like a bug and start over?” Yes, they would have been destroyed but the destruction of the two who disobeyed …

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We’re living a lie; I don’t want it to be that way. We can’t talk, or caress. We don’t love … Oh, we say “I love you”, a convention – like a greeting; but it seems so empty, just words, without meaning. Said to give assurance, without conviction. As if pretending to the world, and …

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Welcome to my website!

This is something that has been on my “Bucket List” for a while. I have struggled over whether this is just some ego trip on my part. I have resolved that there are really two apparent reasons for this website. First, it is a way to record my work. Whether it has any value or …

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One of the people I asked to review my early draft of Kahle’s Summary of the Bible for the Non-Believer suggested that some readers might be interested in the story of how I came to believe in God. I can’t imagine why because the story is not that unique. However, it is uniquely mine. I …

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I love my daughter. But it’s never been an easy love. I loved seeing her swell her mother’s belly as she grew, knowing that this life growing inside her mother was a precious thing. I worried with her mother as the time for our second child’s birth grew near, wondering if the road to the …

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Gazing Intently at the Face of God

I was talking to an elderly friend yesterday about her getting older and losing her physical and mental abilities, trying to comfort her. This is an explanation I gave her… Have you ever watched a newborn and its mother interact? They gaze intently at each other, she cooing and smiling, the baby just initially staring …

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Desire for a wife above serving God

My God is a loving God, but my God is a jealous God. I realize that I have put my heart’s desire for a loving wife and family above my desire to serve God, and I do not believe that pleases Him. Perhaps He already gave me the wife he picked for me; perhaps that …

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Rhythm #1 My heart belonged to you, Oh, my heart belonged to you, But you were… unattainable to me. I think about myself, My life up on the shelf, Yes, my heart belonged to you, Now it rests with someone else. Rhythm #2 I need someone to hold me, Through pain and when I’m blue, …

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April 29, 2021 I find myself at one of those curious places in life where I need some time alone, time to sort things out. The death of a close friend who was dependent on me for emotional support and so many other things, along with turning 70 necessitate taking some time to contemplate where …

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