President Donald Trump,
I tried to avoid writing this letter but the events of today make it impossible. I voted for you in 2016 because I could not in good conscience vote for Hillary Clinton (I supported Carley Fiorina in the primaries because I thought a presidential race between two women of different opinions would be interesting. It would have eliminated the “woman candidate” issue and they could have focused on their different approaches to governing. It would have been and interesting election!) As far as I am concerned Hillary is complicit in her husband’s repeated preying on women. In addition, her performance as Secretary of State before and during the Benghazi incident where United States diplomats and security forces were killed, was dismal. She just could not function under that level of stress and I had no confidence in her ability to govern.
You did the one thing I hired you to do – you appointed judges to the court that believe that the role of the court is to interpret the law based upon the intent of the original drafter’s of that law, not to interpret it based upon modern interpretation of how the law should apply. Our founders established a well thought out, and challenging, process for amending the constitution, and it has been done 27 times, but that responsibility does not fall to the courts. As a bonus, you recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, something the United States has failed to do since Israel’s founding in 1948.
In 2020 I held my nose because of the way you have acted over the last four years and voted for you again because the Democrats failed to come up with a candidate that I could support. But its time to be honest with you – something that you don’t handle very well. If you want to know why you lost the 2020 election, quit blaming others, find the nearest mirror and have a good look at your reflection. You are a spoiled brat, a bully, and an anal sphincter muscle! I always wondered if your real intent over the last four years was to destroy the Republican party or conservatism in America, and today’s Georgia election validates my concerns.
There has been disagreement and conflict since this nation was founded. President Obama failed to be the uniting force that many hoped he would be as the first black president. You have managed to single-handedly raise the level of mistrust and violence to new heights in our generation. You didn’t drain the swamp, you polluted it.
President Trump, the American voters have spoken: you, Donald Trump, are fired!